Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Terminal Emulator v.1.0.70

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.

Hello guys.
Ketemu lagi bersama saya.

Kali ini saya akan share aplikasi COMMAND untuk Android. Yaitu : Terminal Emulator v.1.0.70
Aplikasi ini Cukup membantu bagi kalian yang suka ngotak-ngatik handphone android kamu. Sudah banyak perintah-perintah android yang di gunakan melalui Terminal Emulator ini.

Terminal Emulator juga berfungsi Sebagai jalan pintas untuk melakukan perintah sesuai penggunanya.

Tanpa banyak basa basi. Silahkan Scroll ke bawah untuk mendownloadnya.

Note File:
Built-in Linux shell command line Access Android. Melepaskan pecandu batin Anda!

- v1.0.70 Allow hiding Material Design Action Bar
- Improve text paste.
-  Fix UTF-8 support.

=====> Access your Android's built-in Linux command line shell. Unleash your inner geek!

This is a new version of the popular "Android Terminal Emulator" application. Same great program, just with a new name.

Top Features

+ Full Linux terminal emulation.
+ Multiple windows.
+ Launcher short cuts.
+ UTF-8 text. (Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Thai, etc.)
+ Completely free. No ads, no in-app-purchases, no nag screens, nothing.

Quick FAQ:

+ If you are having trouble entering text, try installing the free "Hacker's Keyboard IME". (Especially if you have a Samsung or HTC device.)
+ This app isn't a game emulator.
+ This app won't help you root your phone or change your phone's IMEI.
+ You need to know (or be willing to learn) how to use the Linux command line to use this app.
+ You may want to install a set of command line utilities like "Busy Box" or "Debian chroot" in order to add commands beyond the commands that come built into your Android device.
+ If you get a -505 error when trying to install this app under Android 5.0, it means that some other app is using the same permissions. You will have to uninstall the other app in order to install Terminal Emulator for Android. (People tell me that "jrummy's Toolbox Pro" causes this problem.) <=====

Link download ada di bawah.

NOTE BLOG: Jika dalam dialog file di mintai Password. Masukkan Password default (www.gamtrik041.blogspot.com) atau (Amal041) . Jika passwordnya berbeda saya akan cantumkan di kiriman file tersebut di blog kami.
(Jika memang ingin reshare ulang file yang ada di blog saya.  Mohon sertakan link sumber)

Sekian dari saya.
Terima kasih telah berkunjung di blog saya.

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